Guardian Headlines


Green economy could generate 3.3m jobs across Africa by 2030 – report

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:00:49 GMT

Policymakers and funders are being urged to invest in training a workforce to serve the industries of the future

A greener economy could bring millions of jobs to some of the largest countries in Africa, according to a new report.

Research by the development agency FSD Africa and the impact advisory firm Shortlist predicts that 3.3 million jobs could be generated across the continent by 2030.

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Doctor behind trial of HIV prevention drug recounts breakthrough moment

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:00:44 GMT

Prof Linda-Gail Bekker receives ovation at Aids summit after presenting trial results of ‘miracle’ drug lenacapavir

When the doctor behind the trial of a new HIV prevention drug heard the results, she could not contain her emotions. “I literally burst into tears,” said Prof Linda-Gail Bekker.

“I’m 62, I’ve lived through this epidemic … I had family members who died of HIV, as did many, many Africans – many people around the world,” she said.

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Death toll from Ethiopia landslides could reach 500, UN agency says

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:03:05 GMT

Mudslide in Gofa zone on Monday traps people rescuing victims from a slide the previous day

The death toll from landslides that hit south-western Ethiopia on Sunday and Monday has risen to 257 and could reach 500, the UN’s office for humanitarian affairs (OCHA) says.

Heavy rains in the mountainous Gofa zone caused a landslide on Sunday night, followed by a second on Monday morning that trapped people who were rescuing victims of the first.

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‘Smoking gun’ evidence points to UAE involvement in Sudan civil war

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:03:08 GMT

Exclusive: Discovery of Emirati passports in wreckage suggest covert boots on the ground, despite Gulf state’s denials

Passports recovered from battlefields in Sudan suggest the United Arab Emirates is covertly putting boots on the ground in the country’s devastating civil war, according to leaked documents.

A 41-page document, sent to the UN security council and seen by the Guardian, contains images of Emirati passports allegedly found in Sudan and linked to soldiers of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the African nation’s notorious paramilitary.

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At least 150 people missing after boat capsizes off coast of Mauritania

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:01:47 GMT

Boat full of people hoping to get to Europe overturns and at least 15 known to have died, UN migration agency says

At least 15 people have died and more than 150 are missing after a boat full of people hoping to make it to Europe capsized off the coast of Mauritania, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

About 300 people had boarded the long, wooden, fishing vessel in The Gambia, roughly 850 miles (1,350km) to the south, spending seven days at sea before the boat overturned on Monday, the agency said in a statement.

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Africa to overtake Asia with highest number of hungry people by 2030, says UN

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 12:17:44 GMT

Annual report says climate crisis, conflict and economic shocks leave the global food system ‘disastrously vulnerable’

Africa will overtake Asia as the continent with the highest number of people experiencing hunger in the world by 2030, the UN has predicted.

In its annual state of food security and nutrition report, five UN agencies said there was a “clear trend” of rising prevalence of undernourishment in Africa.

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Mexico president calls for ‘transparency’ amid secrecy over Sinaloa cartel arrests

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:32:59 GMT

US announces arrest of two leaders of organised crime group as Mexican authorities say they were in the dark

The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has called for “transparency” after the sudden and secretive arrests by US authorities of two top leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, one of Mexico’s most powerful organised crime groups.

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada García, 76, founded the Sinaloa cartel with Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera, and has been a top target of US law enforcement for decades, with a $15m bounty on his head.

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Canada owes First Nations billions after making ‘mockery’ of treaty deal, top court rules

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:22:43 GMT

Court urges federal and Ontario governments to make payouts after ‘dishonourably’ neglecting 174-year-old deal

An “egregious” refusal by successive Canadian governments to honor a key treaty signed with Indigenous nations made a “mockery” of the deal and deprived generations of fair compensation for their resources, Canada’s top court has ruled.

But while the closely watched decision will likely yield billions in payouts, First Nation chiefs say the ruling adds yet another hurdle in the multi-decade battle for justice.

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Alberta premier fights tears over Canada wildfires despite climate crisis denial

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:46:24 GMT

Danielle Smith and her government’s refusal to combat global heating is said to have made blazes more intense

When Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta, began her grim update about the wildfire damage to Jasper, the famed mountain resort in the Canadian Rockies, her voice slipped and she held back tears.

Hours earlier, a fast-moving wildfire tore through the community, incinerating homes, businesses and historic buildings. She praised the “true heroism” of fire crews who had rushed in to save Jasper, only to be pulled back when confronted by a 400ft wall of flames. She spoke about the profound meaning and “magic” of the national park.

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Top leaders of powerful Sinaloa drug cartel arrested in Texas

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:50:03 GMT

Biden praises law enforcement for fentanyl charges against members of ‘one of the deadliest enterprises in the world’

The US justice department has arrested two leaders of Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa cartel, including the cartel’s co-founder, for leading deadly fentanyl manufacturing and trafficking networks.

The attorney general, Merrick Garland, announced the charges against cartel leaders Ismael Zambada García, known as “El Mayo”, one of the group’s co-founders, and Joaquin Guzmán. Both men face several charges in the United States for allegedly leading the cartel’s criminal operations.

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Canadian Rockies town Jasper badly damaged by fast-moving wildfire

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 18:49:00 GMT

More than 25,000 residents and tourists evacuated from national park region as firefighters forced into a retreat

A fast-moving wildfire has destroyed parts of Jasper, the old mountain town in the Canadian Rockies, with the mayor warning the damage was “beyond description and comprehension”. The blaze had forced more than 25,000 people to flee earlier this week.

Jasper national park officials said the fire entered the southern edge of the town on Wednesday evening. But, given the speed and intensity of the blaze, fire crews working to protect key infrastructure were ordered to retreat.

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Brazilian rancher ordered to pay $50m for damage to Amazon

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:48:26 GMT

Brazil court freezes assets of Dirceu Kruger to pay climate compensation for illegal deforestation

A Brazilian cattle rancher has been ordered to pay more than $50m (£39m) for destroying part of the Amazon rainforest and ordered to restore the precious carbon sink.

Last week, a federal court in Brazil froze the assets of Dirceu Kruger to pay compensation for the damage he had caused to the climate through illegal deforestation. The case was brought by Brazil’s attorney general’s office, representing the Brazilian institute of environment and renewable natural resources (Ibama). It is the largest civil case brought for climate crimes in Brazil to date and the start of a legal push to repair and deter damage to the rainforest.

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IOC ‘deeply apologises’ after South Korean athletes introduced as North Korean

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:25:12 GMT

Olympic Games organisers said they “deeply apologise” for introducing South Korea’s athletes as North Korean during the opening ceremony in Paris.

As the South Korean athletes waved their nation’s flag on a boat floating down the Seine on Friday evening, they were announced in both French and English as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. South Korea is the Republic of Korea.

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Weather tracker: Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in Philippines and Taiwan

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:45:01 GMT

Half a million people evacuated, 21 deaths confirmed so far and capsized tanker in Manila causes huge oil spill

Typhoon Gaemi has been wreaking havoc, with the Philippines government forced to declare a state of calamity last week in its capital Manila, and flooding and at least three deaths in Taiwan. . Manila received more than 300mm of rainfall, with resulting floods reaching as high as one-storey buildings in places. More than half a million people have been evacuated or displaced, with 21 deaths confirmed so far.

Gaemi initially developed on Sunday as a tropical storm to the east of the Philippines and then tracked north-west, strengthening until it achieved typhoon status on Monday as it drew level with the northernmost tip of the Philippines. Despite not making landfall in the Philippines, the typhoon interacted with existing monsoon weather systems, worsening the already heavy rains across the island of Luzon and causing several landslides.

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Typhoon Gaemi: ‘race against time’ to contain massive oil spill in Philippines

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:15:28 GMT

Coastguard reports 4km oil slick as strong winds hamper cleanup efforts after 25 die in the Philippines and Taiwan

The Philippines coastguard said it was “racing against time” to contain a massive oil spill that was at risk of becoming the biggest in the country’s history.

The MT Terra Nova, a Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4m litres of oil, capsized in Manila Bay in the early hours of Thursday, as Typhoon Gaemi charged through the busy shipping route, whipping up aggressive winds and leaving 25 people dead in Taiwan and the Philippines.

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At least 26 killed in Papua New Guinea village attacks, including 16 children

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:42:54 GMT

Police say gang of more than 30 youths also raped women and girls before massacres in remote villages

At least 26 people were killed, including 16 children, during attacks by a gang of young men on three Papua New Guinea villages last week, police have said, adding that their houses were torched and other villagers were still missing.

Angoram police station commander Inspector Peter Mandi told reporters on Thursday an unconfirmed number of women and girls were also raped before being killed in the Sepik River villages of Tamara, Tambari, and Angrumara in East Sepik’s Angoram district.

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‘High quality, low price and dizzying variety’: how the Chinese switched to electric cars

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:00:10 GMT

The country has long been the world’s biggest market – but the government’s interest is more geopolitical than environmental

When Kenzi, an advertising worker in Shanghai, bought an electric vehicle in November she wasn’t even thinking about the environmental benefits. She had read Elon Musk’s biography and thought the Tesla 3 looked good. She also knew that if she bought an EV she could bypass the long wait and cost of getting licence plates, which are rationed by the government.

“It’s not easy to get a licence plate in Shanghai, but you get a licence for free when you buy an EV,” she said.

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Reality TV contestant apologises for killing and eating protected New Zealand bird

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 06:39:05 GMT

An American contestant on Race to Survive has apologised for eating a weka, a large, brown flightless bird known for its curiosity

Things got a little too real on the reality TV show Race to Survive when one of the contestants killed and ate a protected New Zealand bird species, prompting a warning from authorities.

The contestants had been warned that certain food groups – including protected ones – were off limits. Spencer Jones, who killed and ate the weka, has since apologised, saying, “I made a mistake. It was shortsighted, it was foolish,” according to the website

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Victoria’s tobacco wars: police investigate suspicious fire that destroyed Melbourne shop

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:51:09 GMT

Firefighters found the building on Bridge Road, Richmond engulfed in flames on Saturday morning

Police are treating as suspicious a fire that destroyed a Melbourne tobacco shop on Saturday morning, after a series of arson attacks on tobacco retailers.

Firefighters found the building fully engulfed in flames after being alerted to the blaze on Bridge Road, Richmond by callers to triple zero at 3.44am.

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Australian surfer who lost leg in shark attack vows to be back in the water ‘in no time’

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:24:15 GMT

Kai McKenzie, 23, expresses gratitude for outpouring of support in first public comments after attack by ‘biggest shark I’ve ever seen’

An Australian surfer whose leg was bitten off by a shark has promised he’ll be “back in that water in no time” as he recovers from surgery.

Kai McKenzie, 23, was surfing off North Shore beach on the mid-north coast of New South Wales on Tuesday morning when a suspected three-metre great white shark bit him.

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Coalition has ‘a real chance’ to oust Labor government at next election, Peter Dutton tells party faithful

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:58:05 GMT

Opposition leader receives hero’s welcome at Victorian Liberal state council, talking up Coalition’s prospects for upcoming federal election

Peter Dutton has blasted the beleaguered CFMEU and identity politics as the opposition leader rallies Liberal Party faithful ahead of the federal election.

In a wide-ranging speech at the Victorian Liberal state council on Saturday, Dutton went on the offensive and laid out an alternative vision for Australia during difficult times.

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Immigration detainee charged over alleged drug ring operating from inside Villawood detention centre

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:13:44 GMT

Police allege the man used an encrypted messaging service to deal drugs and coordinate a network of runners outside the Sydney facility

An immigration detainee and another man have been charged over an alleged drug ring operating from inside a detention facility.

Police say the 49-year-old dealt large amounts of methylamphetamine using an encrypted messaging service from Villawood immigration detention centre in Sydney’s west.

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NSW boys home grounds to be explored after possible ‘clandestine’ human burial sites revealed

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:01:01 GMT

Government move to engage archaeological specialists comes after ‘suspicious’ locations identified at Kinchela Aboriginal institution

The New South Wales government will engage a specialist to explore the site of a notorious boys home where locations “consistent with clandestine human burials” have been found using ground-penetrating radar.

In September, Guardian Australia revealed there are at least nine “suspicious” sites of possible graves on the grounds of Kinchela Aboriginal Boys Training Home, one of the most violent and abusive institutions of the stolen generations era.

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Jabiluka decision ends long-running battle and preserves ‘some of the oldest rock art in the world’

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:01:00 GMT

‘There will never be mining’ at Northern Territory site, Albanese says as area becomes part of Kakadu national park

It’s the decades-long fight over uranium mining that pitted Indigenous owners against the resources industry.

Now it seems the war is over, with the Australian government moving to expand the Kakadu national park to protect the Jabiluka site from mining for ever.

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Top pilots’ union sounds alarm as regulators consider smaller crew sizes

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:00:26 GMT

Firms accused of putting profits over safety as EU group weighs cutting minimum number of pilots from two to one

Aerospace giants have been accused of putting profits ahead of safety as officials consider cutting the minimum number of pilots required on commercial flight decks from two to one.

The move, which is currently being evaluated by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), would weaken standards to the “lowest common denominator”, the world’s largest union of airline pilots has warned.

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Further Eurostar cancellations hold up Paris 2024 passengers

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:54:19 GMT

The rail operator has pulled four of 15 trains from its Saturday schedule, affecting more than 3,000 people

Eurostar passengers hoping to catch the start of the Paris Olympics have continued to face difficulties after an arson attack in France caused train cancellations.

People travelling by Eurostar from London to Paris on Friday were asked to postpone trips if possible after the rail operator cancelled one in four trains over the weekend as a result of arson attacks that lead to widespread disruption to France’s high-speed rail network hours before the start of the Olympics.

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Russia-Ukraine war live: EU says conflict an existential threat to the bloc

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:56:53 GMT

This live blog is now closed, you can read more of our Ukraine war coverage here

The Russian defence ministry said that Russian forces had taken control of the settlement of Lozuvatske in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, Interfax news agency reported.

The Ukrainian maritime corridor transported 60 million tonnes of cargo, mainly from the Greater Odesa ports, in the last 11 months, the Ukrainian sea ports authority said, despite attacks on port infrastructure. 40.6 million tonnes of this total amount were grain exports delivered to 46 countries.

India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, is scheduled to travel to Kyiv in August, marking his first visit to Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale invasion two years ago.

The air force of the armed forces of Ukraine said Russia has increased the number of “ballistic” strikes over the past few months, forcing Ukrainian forces to think more about “passive defence” tactics such as camouflage and using “false positions”.

The governor of the Bryansk region in southern Russia, Alexander Bogomaz, reported a “massive” drone attack on the region yesterday evening and overnight. No casualties were reported. “22 unmanned aircraft-type aerial vehicles have been intercepted and destroyed,” Bogomaz wrote on Telegram.

Thank you for following today’s latest news. This blog is closing now but you can read all our Ukraine coverage here.

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Cinque Terre’s Path of Love reopens with charges to ease Insta-tourism

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:00:19 GMT

Visitors will need to pay up to €15 to stroll – and take photos – along romantic 900-metre walkway in Liguria, Italy

Stifling though the crowds of tourists can be at the height of summer, a hint of love is in the air across the five villages of Italy’s Cinque Terre as a Ligurian riviera coastal path famed as a meeting point for courting couples reopens after an almost 12-year closure.

Sculpted into the steep cliffs wedged between the villages of Riomaggiore and Manarola, the Via dell’Amore (Path of Love) had been closed since being damaged by a September 2012 landslide that injured four Australian tourists.

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Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:00:15 GMT

Public health adviser says higher temperatures caused by climate crisis pose danger for visitors not used to them

The climate emergency poses a “real risk” to Spain’s traditional mass tourist model as rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves hit the country’s most popular coastal destinations, a senior public health adviser has warned.

Héctor Tejero, the head of health and climate change at Spain’s health ministry, said the increasingly apparent physical impacts of the climate emergency had already led the ministry to begin talks with the British embassy on how best to educate “vulnerable” tourists about coping with the heat.

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Who launched attack on the French rail network – and why?

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:28:27 GMT

Arsonists used crude methods but disruption to opening of the Olympic Games in Paris was severe

It was about 1.15am when the SNCF maintenance workers, carrying out repairs by moonlight, spotted the group of people a little further down the railway line near a signal box outside the sleepy village of Vergigny, in the northern French department of Yonne.

They were concerned enough by the unlikely sight at such an hour to approach the intruders, and then to make a call to the local police as those they had interrupted ran off into the dark.

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Israel-Gaza war live: dozens killed after Israeli strike on school

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:13:20 GMT

Israeli military says Hamas targets were inside the school compound, after Palestinian officials reported dozens of people killed

Reuters has the following breaking news line: at least 12 Palestinians were killed on Saturday in an Israeli attack on a school housing displaced people west of Gaza’s Deir al-Balah, Gaza’s civil defence service said.

There has been no comment yet from the Israeli military.

By recognising Palestine, we recognise a sovereign people who cannot have their land stolen by illegal settlements or be subjected to the inhumane bombardment that we are seeing right now.

We need two states living side by side … we recognise the spirit of Palestinians and their dream of self-determination, and it will never be broken.”

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Israeli airstrikes that hit school kill 50 people in Gaza

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:03:58 GMT

Thousands of adults and children had been sheltering at the Khadija school in Deir al-Balah

A wave of Israeli airstrikes targeting central and southern Gaza have killed at least 50 and injured an estimated 200 people, with one strike hitting a school where thousands were seeking shelter.

Palestinian health ministry officials said that at least 30 people were killed in an airstrike on the Khadija school in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in a wave of critical injuries.

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‘Like judgment day’: evacuees tell of fleeing Israel’s assault on Khan Younis

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:00:14 GMT

Given barely any warning, many people fled with nothing as bombs fell and bullets flew around them

The evacuation order jolted Munadil Abu Younes one morning earlier this week as he scrolled on his phone reading the news. Israeli forces ordered thousands to flee, including from the area where he was sheltering. His eighth displacement was like nothing that had come before.

“Israeli forces told us about the evacuation order as they entered the area,” he said. “We barely had time to collect our things, most people fled without taking anything. During previous evacuation orders they gave us a day or two, but this time we didn’t even have half an hour.”

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Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:32:12 GMT

Labour government announces its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East

Labour has announced its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East, dropping its opposition to an international arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu despite pressure from Washington not to do so.

Downing Street announced on Friday that the government would not submit a challenge to the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, whose chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, is seeking a warrant against the Israeli prime minister.

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Israeli official criticises Kamala Harris’s calls to end the war – as it happened

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:00:36 GMT

Unnamed official says comments should not be interpreted by Hamas that there is a gap between the US and its ally

A spokeswoman for No 10 added – regarding Labour dropping the Tories’ plan to challenge the ICC – that the Government believes very strongly in the separation of powers and the rule of law domestically and internationally.

“I think you would note that the courts have already received a number of submissions on either side, so they are well seized of the arguments to make their independent determinations,” she said.

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Israeli right wing hits out at Kamala Harris as Netanyahu visit polarises opinion

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:32:56 GMT

Amid anger at US vice-president’s call to end Gaza war, many families of hostages held by Hamas agree with her

Members of Israel’s rightwing government have hit back at Kamala Harris over her demands for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza after she met Benjamin Netanyahu during his US visit.

After a brief meeting with the Israeli prime minister, which Harris described as “frank and constructive”, the US vice-president and presidential candidate said it was “time for this war to end, and end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination”.

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Bangladesh student protests turn into ‘mass movement against a dictator’

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:56:43 GMT

Strength of PM’s crackdown shows her nervousness and that climate of fear is breaking down, say critics

Hasan still has the metal pellets Bangladesh police fired at him lodged deep in his bones. Fearful he will join the growing ranks of those thrown behind bars by the state for participating in protests that have swept Bangladesh this month, Hasan has been in hiding for a week and described his state as one of “constant panic and trauma”.

“Whenever I hear the sound of a car or a motorbike, I think it might be the police coming for me,” he said.

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Bangladeshi students allege police torture after protests crackdown

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 16:25:23 GMT

More than 150 reported dead and thousands injured as peaceful demonstrations turn violent

Student activists in Bangladesh have alleged they were abducted and tortured during a violent police crackdown on the protests that have swept the country and led to the arrest of thousands of political opponents and government critics.

Nahid Islam, a Dhaka University student and one of the main organisers of the protest movement, which has been fighting against “discriminatory” quotas for government jobs, said he was picked up by police late last week, tortured and left unconscious on the side of the road.

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Bangladesh’s top court cuts job quotas that led to deadly student-led protests

Sun, 21 Jul 2024 11:24:47 GMT

Court overturns ruling reserving 30% of government jobs for independence war veterans and their relatives

Bangladesh’s top court has scaled back the quotas on government jobs that led to widespread student-led protests and violent clashes that killed more than 100 people.

On Sunday afternoon the supreme court overturned a ruling that had reintroduced quotas for all civil service jobs, meaning that 30% were reserved for veterans and relatives of those who fought in the Bangladesh war of independence in 1971.

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Bangladesh police given ‘shoot-on-sight’ orders amid national curfew

Sat, 20 Jul 2024 13:34:38 GMT

Citizens confined to homes with no internet access as student-led protests lead to deadly clashes with authorities

Police in Bangladesh have been granted “shoot-on-sight” orders and a nationwide curfew has been imposed as student-led protests continue to roil the country, leaving more than 100 people dead.

The curfew, imposed at midnight on Friday, was expected to last until Sunday morning as police tried to bring the swiftly deteriorating security situation under control, with military personnel patrolling the streets of the capital.

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Myanmar junta ‘bombing schools’, with 170 sites hit in past three years – report

Sat, 20 Jul 2024 04:01:26 GMT

Analysis of imagery from conflict zones shows evidence of burned-out and flattened buildings, with long-term impacts on education

Airstrikes, arson, shelling and ground fighting between the military and armed rebel groups have damaged at least 174 schools and universities in Myanmar since a military coup in 2021, according to a new report.

Open source investigator, the Centre for Information Resilience (CIR), said analysis of imagery from conflict zones showed burned and collapsed buildings.

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National curfew imposed in Bangladesh after student protesters storm prison

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:11:59 GMT

Army to be deployed to keep order after demonstrators free hundreds of prisoners and country is hit by serious unrest

The Bangladeshi government has declared a national curfew and announced plans to deploy the army to tackle the country’s worst unrest in a decade, after student protesters stormed a prison and freed hundreds of inmates.

“The government has decided to impose a curfew and deploy the military in aid of the civilian authorities,” a government spokesperson said late on Friday.

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About 50 people brought to Dover as small boat crossings continue

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:13:39 GMT

Children among group led ashore by UK Border Force as number crossing Channel since last Saturday nears 400

Small boat crossings continued on Saturday as the UK Border Force brought a group of people from the Channel into Dover.

Children were among the group of about 50 people who were led ashore from the first boat that docked.

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‘I never expected this in the UK’: modern slavery expert receives death threat

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:00:26 GMT

Migrants at Work founder Aké Achi claims police failed to act on letter sent to his home warning of harm to his family

A leading modern slavery expert who pursues employers on behalf of exploited overseas workers, recovering thousands of pounds for them in the process, has received a threat on his life.

Aké Achi, founder and chief executive of Migrants at Work, an organisation which protects workers’ rights, says the letter was posted to his home.

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Fears Rochdale could ‘boil over’ as outsiders stir division over Manchester airport video

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:51:41 GMT

Family of a man seen being kicked by police call for ‘time to heal’ as far-right groups and others try to exploit the fallout

Friday prayers are often seen as the most important event in the weekly calendar for Muslims. But in Rochdale last week, they were more vital than usual. Three days on from the video that shocked the world, many feared the town was teetering on the brink of serious unrest.

The footage showed an armed officer, Taser drawn, forcefully kick the head of a man who lay face down on the ground, already apparently incapacitated, as police responded to reports of an assault at Manchester airport. He then stamped on the man’s head and violently kneed him in the side, as onlookers screamed.

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Freud was ‘misunderstood’ and wasn’t so obsessed with sex, new analysis of work suggests

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:00:25 GMT

A new edition of his theories on dreams argues that he used ‘sexuality’ to described any purely pleasureable activity

For a psychiatrist, so the joke goes, any object that crops up within a dream must represent a phallus. But it seems even Sigmund Freud did not really think all our sleeping fantasies are suppressed erotica. It was just a basic misunderstanding of the pioneering psychoanalyst’s work, according to an eminent new version of his influential theories.

A revised English edition of Freud’s key work, The Interpretation of Dreams, by scholar Mark Solms will correct several errors of translation and aim to definitively challenge the common misconception that Freud believed the erotic drive was behind much of human behaviour.

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‘Cliff edge’ deadline for UK digital visas still leaves 4m at risk of losing rights

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:30:47 GMT

Home Office urged to extend year-end date for expiry of biometric residence permits after postponing eVisas rollout

The controversial rollout of digital visas for non-EU migrants has been delayed, but without any change to the “cliff edge” year-end deadline. This leaves more than 4 million UK residents facing a race against time to avoid effectively becoming undocumented migrants. Having said people would be able to apply to access the new “eVisas” from June, the Home Office is now advising that applications will open “later in 2024”.

Immigration lawyers have written to the Home Office expressing “great concern” at the delay as there has been no change to the 31 December deadline for the transition to eVisas.

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Prince William could overturn king’s windfarm ban as he orders renewable energy review for estate

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:00:23 GMT

Wind turbines are among changes being considered by heir to the Duchy of Cornwall estate to tackle the climate crisis

His father thinks windfarms are a blot on the landscape, once saying he feared Britain would end up like Denmark “knee deep in these damn things”. But now Prince William is considering overturning their effective ban on royal land.

The Prince of Wales has ordered a major review of renewable energy on his 130,000-acre Duchy of Cornwall estate, which is expected to change the face of his hereditary property empire stretching across 20 counties in England.

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From rising star to potential liability: how JD Vance’s fortunes have turned

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:00:26 GMT

Ohio senator’s ratings are at a record low and his hardline views on issues might prove to be a liability than an asset

He was supposed to be his master’s mini-me, his elevation as Republican vice-presidential nominee hailed as a virile celebration of Donald Trump’s near-total conquest of the GOP.

Now – days after receiving a rapturous response at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee – JD Vance is being lamented within party circles as a potentially fatal liability in Trump’s quest to recapture the White House.

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Trump tells supporters they won’t have to vote in the future: ‘It’ll be fixed!’

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:44:15 GMT

Former president implores Christian supports to vote ‘just this time’, then says he’s not Christian

Donald Trump has ignited alarm among his critics after telling a crowd of supporters that they won’t “have to vote again” if they return him to the presidency in November’s election.

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time – you won’t have to do it any more,” the Republican former president said on Friday night at a rally hosted in West Palm Beach, Florida, by the far-right advocacy group Turning Point Action.

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Members of US family gospel group the Nelons killed in plane crash

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:43:15 GMT

Three members of group among seven people who died in Wyoming crash on Friday

Three members of US family gospel group the Nelons have been killed in a plane crash, their management announced.

Jason Clark, Kelly Nelon Clark and their daughter Amber Kistler died on Friday, while taking the flight to perform on a cruise ship.

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Covid surges in US as unequal access plagues vaccination and treatment rates

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:00:24 GMT

Data shows overall resistance to masks, but lower Paxlovid prescription and vaccination rates for people of color

Covid is surging across the US, with levels of the virus on track to exceed last summer’s wave nationally and approaching the peak of last winter’s wave in the west, according to wastewater data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Yet vaccination and antiviral uptake, plagued by inequitable access, have remained low, and other precautions like mask-wearing are being met with increasing resistance.

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A ‘catastrophic’ start to wildfire season in Oregon sparks alarm

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:00:24 GMT

The state’s wildfires have already torched more than 1m acres. Experts say heat, dry conditions and lightning are to blame

Oregon’s wildfire season is off to an explosive start with more than 1m acres charred in less than a month, as experts warn that extreme heat and unusual lightning strikes are creating “catastrophic conditions” for fires to ignite and spread.

The state is currently home to the largest wildfire burning in the US. By Friday afternoon, the Durkee fire had burned nearly 290,000 acres (117,000 hectares) and was only 20% contained. The fire had forced evacuations, shut down a major interstate highway and even produced its own weather system.

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GOP wants to hold Harris’s immigration record against her - what did she do?

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:00:23 GMT

US vice-president has been called a ‘border czar’ by Trump and a ‘champion for Dreamers’ by immigration advocates

This week the House passed a Republican-led resolution condemning Kamala Harris for her role in the Biden administration’s handling of migration, part of a ramped up effort to portray the presumptive Democratic nominee as dangerously lax on border security.

Following Joe Biden’s decision to bow out of the presidential race, Donald Trump has also unleashed a barrage of fresh attacks on the US vice-president’s record on immigration, a politically volatile issue expected to play a central role in the November presidential election.

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